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Product version: Alpha v0.5
Last updated on: 5-Dec-2022
1. iOS
Alpha v0.5 product test is in progress, click Join the Test to get the test app.
Supported Devices
Our app is running on iOS. Supported devices for Alpha v0.5:
- iPhone 11 models
- iPhone 12 models
- iPhone 13 models
- iPhone 14 models.
To ensure a good game experience, we suggest the following display equipment below:
- Apple TV / iMac/ MacBook (connected with Airplay)
- Smart TV (connected with airplay or lightning cable)
- Monitor (connected with lightning cable)
We're working hard to support more devices, send a request if your device is not listed.
Join our Discord to get more support and talk with other community members
2. Roadmap
Alpha Versions
- Developed the avatar system. Avatar can be changed in developer mode.
- Released a set of Halloween-themed avatar.
🌟Released player mode, player can join a dance game (only one dance level is supported)
🌟Released creator mode
1. Upload any MP3 file to create a dance/fitness game level
2. Generate dance game levels through action recording
3. Publish game level which allows other players to dance with
Test in Progress